Sunday 1 February 2015

Filming Day 4

Shooting Schedule

Filming Day 5 from jessfareymedia

Organisation of Actors

Behind the Scenes

Our actors both arrived on time and quickly got into costume. We arrived at location quicker than planned, at around 14:00 which gave us more time to look around the nature reserve for areas to film in. It had to be fairly open, with no distinctive features that would make it look too different from the scenes we had previously filmed and ruin the continuity. This included modern features like electricity pylons and cables and the nearby road. 

We found this  strip of land on the edge of the field. It was fairly flat for running along and very empty so we could use wide shots without having to worry about what may get in the shot that we didn't want. 

We set up the camera and began filming. We experienced far less difficulties than last time as we were more familiar with the camera and the weather and natural lighting was in our favour. The only issue were the gas masks, which were not very strong after weather damage when we had previously been filming, as shown in the video below. We tried fixing them and eventually found that the actors would have to tuck them under their arms to work. 

We also had to change some of the shots from our storyboard. The close-up of Georgia's feet, for example, was unrealistic. The camera was shaky in our hands as the tripod would not go as low as we needed, and we did not want to place the camera on the ground as it was quite muddy. 

We managed to get the mid-shots we needed, however not using the dolly. We could not move it through the thick grass at a pace that would match the actors despite our best efforts. In the end we opted to run with the camera using a hand held shot. After watching this back we were very pleased; although the camera shook it actually added to the chaos of the sequence and worked really well. 

We managed to film all the material we needed (with a few extra experimental shots) within an hour, which was much quicker than we had planned. We were really pleased with this and, watching the videos back, were satisfied with the quality and glad we made the decision to re-film.  

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