Sunday 1 February 2015

Filming Day 2

Shooting Schedule

Organising Actors to Schedule

 Behind the Scenes

The cast all arrived at the correct, time meaning we arrived at the bunker before 10:30 ready to film. We were pleased with their choice in costume as we had asked them to come in their own clothes, hoping this would realistically reflect contemporary teenage fashion.  

Having been there the previous week, we were able to set up much more quickly as we knew what to expect. Luckily, none of the actors were too fazed by the bunker and assisted us in clearing away an area to film in and set up props. Thanks to them, we were filming by 11:00. We had supplied a lot more lighting after the problems we faced beforehand, including torches, lights from our phones and LED lights. We filmed the sequence shot by shot, spending a lot of time thinking about lighting for each one. 

Upon watching this back, handling the scene in smaller sections made it harder for us to create continuity as we had to reorganise each shot from memory. There was also the issue of the 180° rule; our actors were positioned in a triangle and as we moved from closeups of each actor, we found they often looked in the wrong direction or the angle did not work well. 

The lighting we had supplied, while bright, was not very stable. It often shook, particularly in the  shots where we had people holding lights from a higher angle. Because we were in a dark space, the shadows were dramatic, and made the movements even more obvious. The lighting also created shadows of people and equipment which were behind the scenes. 

We did have some successful shots; the finals shots, revealing the body, appeared effective. The lighting was rested on a stable object here and the intense lighting highlighted the contrast between the dark make-up and blood with the pale skin. 

After filming some of these scenes, we filmed the remaining scenes with Georgia and Robin using Arbury Banks outside. Unfortunately the weather forecast had not prepared us for rain a second week running and we were rushed as it grew heavier. 

We managed to film some slightly more successful shots at the start, for example the establishing shot of the two running out of the woods. But as the rain grew heavier, it began to ruin their costumes, which was clear in the mid-shots. It also made running difficult, and after running some practice shots we deemed it unsafe and made the decision to find another date to film. This was obviously not ideal but we knew it we would not be able to film anything of a good quality if we carried on.  

Advanced Planning: Day 3

We feel that to return to the bunker a third time and have the same issues with lighting would be wasteful. We have already got the shots that we need of Georgia and Robin climbing into the bunker. If we could find a plain, old room to film in then we may be able to continue filming somewhere more accessible and with more resources.

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