Tuesday 18 November 2014

Filming Day 1

Shooting Schedule

Filming Day 1 from jessfareymedia

Organising our actors to schedule

Behind the Scenes

We arrived at the bunker at just after 11 as planned. Early in the day, the weather was very foggy and added a haunting look to the area. 

We initially decided to film the scenes inside the bunker, to allow the rest of the day for the shots of the actors running across the field, which we felt would take the longest. We climbed down the bunker, having to be very careful handling the equipment from such heights, however when we were inside we realised we had not supplied adequate lighting for the shots that we needed. There was minimal lighting inside of the bunker and we had only provided a torch. 

The lack of lighting was obvious from outside
of the bunker
Initial reactions to the bunker

The view from inside the bunker- the main source of light was
from outside.

Passing down the equipment was a struggle from 20 feet high

We left the bunker to film the exterior scenes, beginning with shot six, as we were nearest to the bunker. The actors practised running up to the bunker and climbing down, however this took too long and didn't look effective on camera. We decided they would have to mime stepping up onto the ladder and crouch behind it, as shown below. From straight on, this worked well and we were pleased with the final shot.

Practising the run into the bunker

We had next planned to film close-ups of the actors running across the field to the bunker, however as we moved over to the field the weather turned to heavy rain, making the field muddy. Although we tried practising running in different areas, the pace they were able to run at to avoid slipping over did not look panicked enough for a horror opening. We decided that we would have to ask the cast to return next week to film when the weather was better. 

The torrential rain prevented further filming

Advanced Planning: Day 2

From filming this, we have discovered that we will definitely need to provide more lighting for the second day of filming, when we actually need to feature actors in our shots. We will look at different sources of light during this time, although we are limited in that there are not plug sockets for powerful lamps because of the age of the bunker.

We will also need to adapt our schedule to film the additional running scenes, and should check the whether in advance so that we do not have the same issues a second time. 

We are pleased with the quality of acting and how our costume/ make-up looked on camera, which we hope to continue with the next day we shoot.

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