Monday 17 November 2014


Shot 1

Fade from black, tracking shot/ wide shot of Robin and Georgia running across a field in the dark.The digetic sound of air raid sirens can be heard in the background. This will be the establishing shot; the sirens and costumes should give context. We may add a caption to demonstrate this.

Shot 2

Straight cut to an extreme closeup, tracking Georgia's feet as she runs. This heightens the fear and chaos, as well as enhancing our costume choices. Loafers were a very typical style of footwear in the 1940's. 

Shot 3

Mid-shot of Georgia. As she runs towards the camera, this zooms into a closeup to highlight her facial expression, and show costume details, hair (victory rolls) and makeup. 

Shot 4

Closeup of Robin, looking scared to mirror the audience's own fear. The camera zooms out to a long shot to show his own costume. 

Shot 5

Two shot of Robin and Georgia running side by side. This again reinforces the hysteria of the scene. 

Shot 6

Jump cut to a high angle wide shot of the bunker. Georgia and Robin run on screen and scramble down a bunker. As they are no longer visible, the camera slowly zooms in on the bunker. The non-digetic music builds tension. A sharp scream is heard and the screen quickly fades to black. Implying their deaths instead of showing them provokes more curiosity from the audience. 

Shot 7

Title fades from the black background, to highlight the typography and colour and make sure it captures the audience's focus. 

Shot 8

Fade from black. Modern, upbeat music plays quietly, contrasting with the scene beforehand. The screen fades from black and shows a mid-shot of Lewis, who is telling the story of the brother and sister, linking the narratives. The mid-shot will show his modern clothes, signifying a different era. 

Shot 9

Two shot of Julia and Robert sitting on the bed. Their two reactions to the story conflict; conforming to stereotypes, Julia is scared whilst Robert is teasing her. Modern food is shown, again highlighting the change in time. 

Shots 10/11

Shot reverse shot using the 180° Rule as Julia and Robert discuss whether the story is true or not. There is juxtaposition between their tone, body language and expression. Julia asks Darcey for her opinion. 

Shot 12

Jump cut to a wide shot of Darcey, who is lying in the opposite bunk, apparently asleep. The lighting is glaring, and the fact she does not respond to this implies something is wrong. 

Shot 13

The same shot, as Lewis walks over, his shadow making the shot darker foreshadowing what is to come. The camera slowly zooms on his hand as he reaches for the cover. 

Shot 14

High angle shot of Darcey's body, having fallen out of the  sleeping bag. The high angle shows the fake blood surrounding her, implying her death. The gore is typical of the horror genre. The screen fades to black as Julia's scream is heard.

We have chosen not to include some of the interior scenes we previously discussed, for example a pan of the bunker to show the old cans and crates, as after timing the scenes we feel this would use up unnecessary time.


  1. A very detailed and well produced storyboard Shows clear consideration of the film opening structure and establishment of narrative. The comments clearly show understanding behind choices made.

  2. Excellent and fully detailed storyboard.
