Sunday 16 November 2014

Costume and Make-Up

1940's Costume

Research into fashion and clothing in the 1940's, we will try and dress our actors in this style for a realistic effect

Male Costume

We looked at the types of costumes above to see how we could try and recreate this look. We also found images from the Chronicles of Narnia (2005) of the protagonist who is of a similar age to our own character during the same time period. This costume still looked authentic but easier for us to achieve than some of the more complex and costly looks above. 

We achieved this style ourselves by using a plain shirt, trousers and tried braces. We kept the hair quite natural and not in a particular style, as in the photos above. To ensure that it is clear our film is set in wartime, we made gas mask boxes to go with the outfit. 

This is the final outfit that we used in the film.

Female Costume

This was the harder of the two costumes to create because as we learned from the mood board above, there were a variety of different styles available for women in this time. We decided to try and create some of these outfits ourselves to see which looked the best, as well as giving our actress a chance to judge what she felt best in. 

The other difference was the hair and make-up, which definitely added to the feel of the costume. Our research into 1940's make-up was fairly simple, and we found that ladies tended to wear light eye make-up with a heavier lipstick. This was easy for us to recreate. 


The hair was slightly harder. Although most women would wear their hair in victory rolls, this was more complex and fell out easily during the running scenes. In the end we simply back-combed small sections and pinned them back, which still gave a retro effect.

This was the final look we achieved.

Modern Day Costume

Casual teenage fashion nowadays; we will use this as a basis for costume for our modern-day cast, to make them more relatable.

For the second half of our opening, the cast will needed to be dressed in contemporary style clothing. We put together the following mood board that covers lots of different casual styles that teenagers today follow. 

Obviously not all of these looks would be appropriate for the location we are filming in; we needed to consider comfort and practicality. We are filming during wintertime and being underground, the bunker is quite damp and cold. The clothing should also haven been appropriate for climbing down the ladder. 

Because we feel that the clothes our actors wear normally are fairly representative of their age group, we asked them to come in warm clothes that they felt comfortable filming in. 

These were the outfits they suggested, and that we were please with. These will be the clothes used in the final film. 

Male outfits

Female outfits

The make-up we used to achieve the affect of a dead body will be outlined in another post.

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