Monday 10 November 2014

Preliminary Task and Evaluation

Above is my final preliminary task. I have created this by editing the videos our group shot using Final Cut Pro. I have tried editing them in order to remain faithful to our initial script and have met the specification of a person opening a door, crossing a room, sitting down and speaking dialogue. 

Whilst we were planning and filming, we did face some problems. The final film does not follow the storyboard and script; this is because there were contrasting ideas in both. We also used different shots to the one we specified on the storyboard. This was partly because we were short of time to film some of them (like the establishing shots) and partly because we tried other shots on location which looked more effective (such as Jo's reaction to the scream). 

There are also continuity issues; because we had to shoot different parts during different lessons, the costumes are different for different parts of the film. We also filmed in a variety of classrooms because they were timetabled for lessons at the different times we were filming. We tried to disguise this by using different camera angles and shots. 

We had to re-film parts of the task because had broken the 180° rule and the different perspectives looked to choppy and unprofessional. We also added in an ending where both girls are tied up because after playing the film back, the ending looked too sudden.  

I am pleased with the variety of shots we managed to use and effects they have on the viewer; at parts it feels like Jo is being followed. When we do film, I will make sure to experiment with different shots to the ones I have specified to change the effect on viewer. I also like how the sounds have been picked up, specifically the sound of Jo's footsteps as she walks through the corridor. It is the only digetic sound and creates a sense of isolation. We achieved this by  holding a boom mic. near Jo's feet when we were filming.

To improve this task, I would add in some more shots at the end so it looks less choppy and the ending is less sudden. 

From this task I have enhanced my editing skills and gained experience on a more complex program. I will be using this to edit my final project. 

I was also able to try and use the different equipment, which creates a more professional looking film. I will try to use this equipment during the shooting of my own horror film to achieve the same effect. 

I have also learned to organise location and costume much more carefully, as if we do need to film on different dates there will still be continuity between shots.

1 comment:

  1. Good clear analysis and evaluation of the good points and problems. [Spelling 'filing' in para 2!!]
