Sunday 1 February 2015

Filming Day 5

Shooting Schedule

Filming Day 5 from jessfareymedia

Organising Actors to Schedule

Behind the Scenes

We all met at the cupboard, the cast already in costume, and began setting up. There was not much the cast had to do and they knew their lines very well by this point, so we did not need to waste too much time practicing. 

We used the same lighting as previously, and the cast agreed with us that it did make a big difference. We did spend a lot of time working on positioning which was where we had fallen previously. Whoever was not being filmed sat where the other actors would be, so we could ensure that the actors were looking in the right place as they delivered their lines. We also spent a long time playing with the lights and seeing what shadows we could create as we noticed how effective it was when we filmed with Julia. 

We also experimented with camera angles we had not considered before. We filmed some shots as normal but others using hand held shots, mimicking found footage films such as The Blair Witch Project. In the end we decided not to use these as it was harder to focus and wouldn't work with some of the other shots we had filmed previously, e.g. Lewis would not be holding a camera. 

We are really pleased with what we achieved, again noting the how the choice to change location and lighting paid off, as shown in some of the images below.

This behind the scenes video briefly shows us filming some of these shots in the storage cupboard. Some of these we will use in the final piece whereas others we were not so pleased with.

This was our final day of filming. We are now ready to begin the editing process. 

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